
The Mission for St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School is

‘…to ensure a loving and faithful learning community in which our children can become the person God created them to be. A community where we celebrate the dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual. Where we grow and learn together with joy, in the love of Jesus. In this love, we strive to be courageous stewards of creation.’

Science Intent

In science we fulfil our whole school mission by ensuring that our children experience awe and wonder about the world around them. That our children are curious and confident to ask questions about the how and the why in the world around them. To provide support and encouragement as they learn to investigate and work scientifically so that they can begin to answer some of those questions.

Our aim is to ensure that children are inspired to learn more about science, know that science is for everyone and above develop a love and enjoyment for learning in science. So that one day they may be able to use science as a means to become courageous stewards of creation.



We will achieve this by: –

  • Creating excitement and curiosity around scientific learning and knowledge through inspiration and enrichment activities.
  • Enabling children at our school is to discover an understanding of the world around them through an ambitious, carefully constructed and sequenced programme of study which fulfils the requirements of the National curriculum.
  • Through carefully planned lessons which enable to children to retrieve and build upon prior learning and make wider links to knowledge across the curriculum. Including providing opportunities for collecting, presenting and analysing data.
  • Equipping our children with the skills they need to investigate what happens in the world around them by embedding the five types of enquiry throughout teaching and learning in science in all phases of our school.
  • Placing emphasis on children learning, remembering and accurately using key scientific vocabulary.
  • Supporting our teachers with effective CPD and support to ensure subject knowledge is secure.
  • Implementing the use of Plan assessment materials to support teaching and assessment in science.
  • Using Klips Assessment and plan assessment materials to assess pupil outcomes, adapting lesson sequences according to the needs of all learners whilst quality assuring teacher judgements.
  • By ensuring our science curriculum and learning opportunities are accessible to all learners.



We will measure the impact of our curriculum through

  • Skilful use of AFL within and across lessons and topics and in our end of topic assessments.
  • We will undertake pupil and staff questionnaires and interviews.
  • Governors’ visits and visits from external partners.