Physical Education

Intent Statement

At St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, we recognise the importance of Physical Education to a child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as the role it can play in a child’s spiritual, moral and cultural development. Our intent through the teaching of Physical Education is to give children the tools and understanding required to make a positive impact in their own physical health and well-being. Our vision is to provide all
children with a physical vocabulary which grows confidence, self-belief and an ability to realise that the key to unlocking their potential lies within themselves.

We aim to deliver a high quality, broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum to support the children to become determined, resilient, experience joy and enable each individual to understand the potential that they have.

A balance of individual, team, co-operative and competitive activities aims to cater for individual pupil’s needs and abilities. When the children leave us in Year 6, our aim is for them to have the confidence to try everything and have a lifelong love for being active.

In addition to the importance placed on PE lessons, we also have a widercurriculum offer which includes the opportunities for pupils to take part in extra-curricular sports and activity clubs and competitions. Daily physical activity and health enhancing activities also play a crucial role.