
Intent Statement

At St Bernadette’s we ensure our mathematicians are resilient and determined to learn. We prepare all pupils for the next stage of their learning providing support, challenge and enrichment activities to enable all to succeed in Maths. We are ambitious for all of our children to achieve the very best outcomes through bespoke provision, tailored to their individual needs. Those who demonstrate a talent for, and love of maths are actively encouraged and as such are able to shine and
flourish so that they will be able to use their skills and talents for the benefit of themselves and others.


Our intent for maths is achieved through the following:-

–  Ensuring that all teachers receive the best possible and most up to date CPD and training.
–  At St Bernadette’s we have adopted the White Rose Maths Scheme because it meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and offers challenge to our children. The progression of mathematical skills from EYFS through KS1 and on to KS2 is mapped out in the accompanying White Rose Document.
– We enhance our maths provision by using Target Maths throughout KS1 and KS2 to build fluency in calculation.
–  In Year 2, we begin using Times Table Rockstars which continues throughout KS2 and is used to build fluency in multiplication.
– We have chosen to use Numbots in KS1 to enhance learning in number, but we also use this resource in KS2 to consolidate learning when required.
– Maths Teasers is used in Year 4, 5 and 6 to challenge able mathematicians.
–  Throughout KS2, Corbett Maths, Mini Maths, Soda Maths are used to embed calculation strategies and processes.
– Mymaths and Mathshed is used to set online homework throughout KS1 and KS2.
–  Where there is a need to revisit, practice and consolidate skills and knowledge in Maths we use ‘Number Stacks’ as an additional target teaching and/or intervention resource.
– We provide mathematical enrichments through Maths competitions in-school and in our school cluster groups. In organising Maths themed days and through working partnerships with high schools and further education providers.


–  We undertake rigorous and robust monitoring of Maths through book looks, learning walks, staff meetings, pupil discussions and questionnaires.
–  Assessment is through marking and feedback. We also carry out in depth strand analysis to identify areas of strength and development.