
English Intent Statement

At St Bernadette’s we provide a high-quality education in English which teaches our pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others in a diverse society. Through reading, we ensure that all children develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. 

A wide range of books, especially, play a key role in such development. Reading enables pupils to acquire both a wealth of knowledge about the world around them and see the true pleasure in reading. 

The skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society, and in equipping children with a strong command of the spoken language, grammar, and a knowledge of linguistic conventions, they are then able to communicate their learning, aspirations, beliefs, creativity, and emotions fluently in both the spoken and written word. 

At St Bernadette’s, we promote a love a reading and writing in its richness of language and in the impact such forms can have on others, as well as their own personal enjoyment; we provide every opportunity for our children develop their love of reading and provide varied contextual opportunities for them to see the impact of their written work. 

We want our children to have the skills and the confidence to flourish as they move on to the next stage of their education with the confidence and skills to access the whole curriculum, in its fullest. 

Reading and Writing Rocks!

Celebrating English

Non-Fiction Friday

World Book Day